10 Reasons Why You Should Start Pilates Today

Pilates is a low-impact exercise that strengthens muscles and increases flexibility. It’s ideal for people of all fitness levels, from professional dancers to octogenarians dealing with menstrual pain.

Pilates is performed on a mat or using specialized equipment like the Reformer, which looks like a small bed frame with a sliding platform and springs that provide varying resistance. It’s challenging but not always sweaty or straining and it has many benefits for the body and mind.

Pilates is a popular form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility, and overall body awareness. If you’re considering incorporating Pilates into your fitness routine keeping a Pilates journals can be a valuable tool to enhance your practice.

1. It Strengthens Your Core

Pilates is a low-impact workout that strengthens your core. It also improves your balance and posture. These improvements help you perform better in other activities, such as running and weight training.

The exercises are performed on a mat or on specialized equipment like the Reformer. The repetition of each exercise helps build strength and endurance in the muscles. For example, performing a side kick exercise in Pilates strengthens your core and mimics reciprocal movement common in running.

2. It Improves Your Balance

Pilates improves balance by toning and strengthening the muscles that stabilize the spine. This prevents other muscles from over-compensating and helps you avoid injury.

It also teaches you to have good posture and control your movement, which can help relieve back pain, neck pain and headaches caused by slouching.

The focus on proper breathing and breath control may also reduce stress, which in turn can ease long-term symptoms of anxiety and depression.

3. It Increases Your Flexibility

Pilates may look easy, but the moves actually require concentration and control. Developed in the 1920s by Joseph Pilates, this low-impact workout can help you lose weight in a healthy way.

Although Pilates is not aerobic exercise, it does increase your muscle endurance and flexibility. A 2016 study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science found that it improves core strength and overall posture.

4. It Helps You Lose Weight

Pilates is a low-impact workout that builds muscle, which burns calories. The practice also encourages controlled breathing, which helps reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Strengthening the core muscles improves posture, which can help reduce back pain and prevent injury. It can even reduce the risk of falling, which is a major concern for older people. Better balance can also help reduce the symptoms of dysmenorrhea (painful periods). Adding Pilates to your exercise routine may improve your quality of life.

5. It Strengthens Your Legs

Pilates exercises are a great way to build leg strength. This helps prevent injuries and improves performance in sports, as well as daily activities.

Unlike other forms of exercise, Pilates is low-impact. This makes it safe for almost everyone, including people with joint and muscle issues.

It also requires you to focus on your breath and mind-body connection, which can help reduce stress.

6. It Helps You Stay Active

Pilates is an excellent low-impact exercise that can be done anywhere. It’s a great addition to other strength-building or cardio workouts.

It also improves balance and helps you move more efficiently day-to-day. Plus, it can help increase your basal metabolic rate, meaning you burn more calories even at rest.

Pilates can be done on a mat or on specialized equipment, either at a studio or at home.

7. It Helps You Sleep Better

Joseph Pilates, a German physical trainer, developed his exercise method in the 1920s. He used it to help injured dancers and soldiers recover from injuries and return to their regular activities.

Despite being low impact, Pilates is a full-body workout that strengthens and tones the muscles, increases balance and improves posture. That improved balance can translate to better performance in other types of exercise and day-to-day tasks like walking up or down the stairs.

8. It Helps You Stay Motivated

If you’re feeling a slump in your workout routine, find a class or a workout buddy to keep you motivated. “Having a friend or a group helps with accountability, and it makes things more fun,” says Blackwood.

Pilates is also great for reducing back and neck pain, and research has shown that it may help with dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual periods). It builds strength and flexibility at the same time.

9. It Helps You Stay Healthy

Pilates strengthens your pelvic muscles, which improves your core strength and promotes healthy movement patterns. It’s a great exercise during pregnancy and for women who have recently given birth.

Pilates is a low-impact exercise, so it can complement other workouts and sports. Plus, its emphasis on breathing and mindfulness can help you reduce stress in your daily life. A healthier you means a happier you!

10. It Helps You Feel Better

Pilates builds core strength and improves posture which helps prevent back pain. It’s a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program. And be sure to talk to your instructor about the specifics of your health situation, like if you have any injuries or medical conditions. You may need to modify your Pilates routine.